#EmergeSantaFe with David Richard Gallery

Fine-art photography selected to be showcased in the gallery’s limited edition print series.


Museums, galleries and art spaces across the world use Instagram to share their collections with millions. In a pioneering move, a top Santa Fe art gallery will take it to the next level, downloading Instagram photos straight onto its walls. David Richard Gallery is pleased to present “#EmergeSantaFe”, a juried pop-up exhibition of photography from their collaboration with @simplysantafenm. A portion of the sales from the exhibition will benefit the participating photographers and the emerging art group Strangers Collective.

“#EmergeSantaFe” is part of David Richard Gallery’s exhibition program DR Projects, a showcase for up-and-coming contemporary artists. DR Projects and popular Instagram account @simplysantafenm challenged photographers to explore the gallery’s new space on Pacheco Street in Santa Fe, NM at the #EmergeSantaFe Instameet on January 16th, 2016. Participants of all experience levels made over 450 images at the event, and a selection of these will appear in the upcoming show as a limited edition print series.

Photographs were selected from the #EmergeSantaFe hashtag stream and judged by an esteemed panel that included Mary Dinaburg (curator, New York), Howard Rutkowski (curator, New York), Peter Frank (critic and historian, Los Angeles), and Cody Hartley (Director of Curatorial Affairs, Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, Santa Fe). The show is an unprecedented undertaking and opportunity for emerging photographers.

Strangers Collective, a local group of emerging artists and writers, will benefit from part of the proceeds of the exhibition. The collective held a salon at the January 16th Instameet, with readings from local writers and talks from DR Projects artists Chris Collins, Tim Cox, Erik H Gellert and Jack R Slentz. Through DR Projects, the gallery is bridging the gap between Santa Fe’s world-class contemporary art community and a rising set of local creatives with fresh perspectives to share.

Photo Talk at David Richard Gallery with Kathryn Davis of ArtBeat Radio with photographer Maya Rose Tweten (@mayarosecreates) about her process in “Making Art with Art” in conjunction with the #EmergeSantaFe Pop Up Photography Exhibition.


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